L2 Indigenous Intro to Food System Planning - Fri, Feb 9 @ 1-2:30 pm Pacific Standard Time Gain an understanding of the components in Indigenous food systems and how to prioritize them, how to set goals, assess the current situation as it pertains to food systems, and plan for the future.
L2 Indigenous Food Forest Foundations - Mon, Feb 12 at 9-12 pm Pacific Standard Time Learn how to plan, design, build and maintain a productive Food Forest and why they pose such great opportunities to support cultural elements and traditional food and medicine.
L2 Indigenous Incubating & Raising Chickens - Tues, Feb 27 @ 9am to 12pm Pacific Standard Time. What came first, the chicken or the egg? In this program we start with the egg! You will learn how to incubate and hatch eggs, care for chicks, and how to house, feed and care for your chickens to keep them happy and…
L2 Indigenous Creative Capacity Building - Fri, Mar 1/24 @ 1 to 2:30 pm Pacific Standard Time. In this program we discuss some unique options for building capacity that address some of the challenges in supporting the developments and long-term operations in Indigenous food systems.
L2 Indigenous Diversifying Economic Supports - Tues, Apr 2/24 @ 9 to 10:30 am Pacific Standard Time. Does your food system rely solely on grants to operate? Concerned about what would happen if grant money were to dry up? Explore some ways to create economic resilience by not putting all your financial eggs in one basket.
Greenhouse Growing - Mon, Feb 6/24 @ 2 to 3:30pm Mountain Standard Time. Learn the basics of managing, maintaining and growing in a backyard greenhouse.
Intro to Food Forests - Thurs, Feb 15/24 @ 10 to 11:30pm Mountain Standard Time. Diverse and delicious perennial food system, high production in a small space.
Pruning, Grafting & Propagation - Wed, Feb 21/24 @ 2 to 3:30pm Mountain Standard Time. Learn about pruning and grafting techniques and alternative methods of propagation.
Healthy Soil - Fri, Feb 23/24 @ 10 to 11:30pm Mountain Standard Time. Learn about soil ecology, how to assess soil health and how to build healthy soil.
Backyard Chickens - Tues, Mar 5/24 @ 10 to 11:30pm Mountain Standard Time. Chick care, proper housing, feed, breed selection, and common health issues.